Dashboard for Revenue Share
Snapshots are taken once every 6 hours and then rewards are distributed to users, but if there are no new rewards for distribution on the rewards wallet, the app waits for new rewards to arrive before taking a snapshot and distributing.

Once the rewards are received and it's time to take the snapshot, the app will will take the snapshot and distribute the rewards to users based on how manytokens each user is holding, it's distributed proportionally.

Once distributed, rewards are locked for 30 minutes and can be claimed after 30 minutes.

If you transferred or sell 1,000,000 or more tokens in a period, you lose all your rewards that you have not claimed to that point. Period is the time between the snapshots.
Claimable Rewards
Claiming rewards claims all available unclaimed rewards and requires a minimum of 0.0000001 ETH accumulated and holding a minimum of 1,000,000 DGEN.
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